Ts. Dr. Hajar Fauzan Ahmad
Past Working Experience
- University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Past Projects
- Metabolome And Microbiome Of Ibd
- Consultation For Sample Analysis (Uitm Grant)
- Ngs-Ibac-1 – Gut Microbiome Of Staghorn Culculi
- Metagenomic Analysis Of Antibiotic Resistant Microorganisms From Pre-Treated Clinical Waste (2022)
- Metagenomic Profiling Of Gut Microbiota Mong Colon Cancer Patients
- Metagenomics Profiling Of Clinical Solid Waste From The Microwave Medical Waste Treatment
- Aquatic Microorganism Research
- Perkhidmatan Pengujian Bacterial Genome Analysis Bagi Tujuan Penyelidikan
- High-Throughput Microbial Analysis From Clinical Samples
- High-Throughput Microbial Analysis From Clinical Samples
- Tracing Point Of Nosocomial Infection In Medical Settings
- Metagenomics Analysis On Clinical Waste Samples From Ozonation Treatment
- Pengambilan Sampel Microorganisma Bagi Tujuan Pengesahan Laporan Ujian Keaktifan Semula Microorganisma (Microbial Inactivation) Selepas Buangan Klinikal Dirawat Menggunakan Rawatan Ozon Di Premis Future Nrg Sdn. Bhd. Negeri Sembilan