Ts. Dr. Hajar Fauzan Ahmad

Ts. Dr. Hajar Fauzan Ahmad

Past Working Experience

  1. University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Past Projects

  1. Metabolome And Microbiome Of Ibd
  2. Consultation For Sample Analysis (Uitm Grant)
  3. Ngs-Ibac-1 – Gut Microbiome Of Staghorn Culculi
  4. Metagenomic Analysis Of Antibiotic Resistant Microorganisms From Pre-Treated Clinical Waste (2022)
  5. Metagenomic Profiling Of Gut Microbiota Mong Colon Cancer Patients
  6. Metagenomics Profiling Of Clinical Solid Waste From The Microwave Medical Waste Treatment
  7. Aquatic Microorganism Research
  8. Perkhidmatan Pengujian Bacterial Genome Analysis Bagi Tujuan Penyelidikan
  9. High-Throughput Microbial Analysis From Clinical Samples
  10. High-Throughput Microbial Analysis From Clinical Samples
  11. Tracing Point Of Nosocomial Infection In Medical Settings
  12. Metagenomics Analysis On Clinical Waste Samples From Ozonation Treatment
  13. Pengambilan Sampel Microorganisma Bagi Tujuan Pengesahan Laporan Ujian Keaktifan Semula Microorganisma (Microbial Inactivation) Selepas Buangan Klinikal Dirawat Menggunakan Rawatan Ozon Di Premis Future Nrg Sdn. Bhd. Negeri Sembilan

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